Youth Ministry
Youth Ministries Mission Statement
The support of and participation in Youth Ministries is a significant part of our church life. We strive to bring our young people together in a life of faith, action and fellowship. We provide a nurturing environment and meet regularly to develop a network of Christian relationships and provide opportunities to serve God through mission work and service projects in order to better understand our role as disciples of Christ. Through Bible study, worship and discussion, we explore our faith and equip the youth with the tools and support needed to florish in a Christian life.
Youth News & Information
The Youth Group meets on Wednesdays at 6:30 for discussion and fellowship. The Youth Group also meets on Sunday evenings at 6:00 for supper and small groups. Please consider joining us as we learn how to make God a priority in our lives every day.
Just for Parents
We have an email group for the youth parents. This will be used for meeting notifications, general information and any changes that parents need to know about. If you have not provided the church with your email address, please contact us and request we add you to this mailing list.