Upcoming Events

Christmas Cards for Homebound Members

Christmas Cards for Homebound Members

This month, join us on Wednesday nights as we come together to serve our community! Tonight, following dinner, we'll spend time creating and signing festive cards for our homebound church members who aren't able to get out as much as they'd like to.

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Churchwide Open House

Churchwide Open House

The Ward’s are hosting a church-wide open house from 2:00pm - 4:00pm. Feel free to stop by anytime during that time to enjoy some festive fun, food, and fellowship. Bring the whole family! We’ll have activities for our younger ones as well.

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Feeding Our Neighbors
to Dec 22

Feeding Our Neighbors

  • Dunn United Ministerial Association (DUMA) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Help us “feed our neighbors” during the holidays by packing and delivering food boxes to local community members.

Wednesday, 12/18: Join us at the Dunn United Ministerial Association (DUMA) at 6:30pm to pack food boxes. There will be no church activities/dinner at FBC this night.

Sunday, 12/22: If you’re able to help deliver food boxes to local community members, please come to DUMA at 2:00pm. It won’t take long!

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Comfy Christmas Sunday

Comfy Christmas Sunday

We're turning the last Sunday of Advent into "Comfy Christmas Sunday!" Wear your most festive, comfortable Christmas attire and join us in worship as we wrap up our sermon series, "Christmas Time in the City."

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Christmas Cantata

Christmas Cantata

The choirs of FBC Dunn and Divine Street UMC are proud to present their Christmas Cantata, “Sing We Now of Christmas.” This concert will be held at Divine Street UMC, located just across Cumberland Street (HWY 421) from FBC Dunn. There will be a special offering collected to support the Dunn United Ministerial Association (DUMA).

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