What to Expect
Do I Need to Dress Up for Worship?
No! Every Sunday, we see all sorts of styles and every one of them is welcomed and appreciated. Depending on the Sunday, you might see our Pastor in a suit or you might see him in jeans. So feel free to wear whatever you’d like.
Is There a Nursery?
Yes! Our nursery is staffed every Sunday during Sunday School (9:45am - 11:00am) and Worship (11:00am - 12:00pm). All nursery volunteers are background checked so you’ll be leaving your little ones in good hands. The nursery is located on the first floor of our Education Building, which is adjacent to the Sanctuary. Nursery Ages: Birth - 3.
Is There Children’s Church?
Apart from the first Sunday of each month, our young children (PreK-3rd Grade) are invited to attend Children’s Church following the children’s message. If you’d like for your child to attend, our volunteers will lead them from the sanctuary and you’ll be able to pick them up following worship on the first floor of the Education Building, right across the hall from the Nursery. If you’d prefer for your children to stay with you in worship, that’s great! We have activity sheets and other kid-friendly items available in the vestibule.
What’s Different on the First Sunday of Each Month?
We love First Sundays at FBC! Here’s what you can expect on these days:
9:30am - Church-Wide breakfast in the fellowship hall. There’s no cost and you don’t need to bring anything other than an appetite!
9:45am - Combined adult Sunday School in the fellowship hall. Children and youth classes meet as usual.
11:00am - Worship in the sanctuary. On First Sundays, the nursery is still open, but all other children stay in worship with their families. On these days, we also celebrate the Lord’s Supper. There is no Youth Fellowship on First Sunday evenings either.
Men and Women?
Where Should I Park?
Occupying an entire city block in downtown Dunn, there’s ample parking on and adjacent to our church campus. Our front parking lot faces Broad Street and is located to the left of our Sanctuary. Our back parking lot faces Cumberland Street (Hwy 421) and is located behind our Sanctuary. In addition to these parking lots, there is street parking available along the perimeter of our church campus.